Human Touch Therapeutic Massage

Brandon Twp.- As a registered nurse and massage therapist, Lynn Sabbagh’s goal is the same? to help people feel better. In August, Sabbagh began her business, Human Touch Therapeutic Massage, LLC in Marr Chiropractic, located at 1770 S. Ortonville Road. ‘Therapeutic massage is more than just relaxation,? says Sabbagh, who is state licensed, nationally certified […]

Water sampling

Ortonville- Residents can have their water tested for bacteria (e.coli), as well as chemicals, for free. Water collection bottles are available at the village offices, 476 Mill St. Oakland County Health Division picks up water samples on Tuesday mornings and return results by mail within a few days at no charge. Residents should have taken […]

Mamon ride

The 10th annual Mamon Ride will be May 19 (rain date May 20). Area motorcyclists can participate in the police-escorted ride starting from either the Post Bar on M-24 Auburn Hills (across from the Palace) or from the Wal-Mart parking lot on M-81 and M-24 in Caro. The two parades will meet up at M-46 […]

‘I don’t see myself succeeding as well without it?

Goodrich- Being a mother makes resident Jennifer Senish want to SKIP. And in her opinion, deciding to do just that makes her job a whole lot easier. ‘It’s beyond beneficial. It should be required, it really should. It’s been a lifeline for me,? says Senish. The 37-year-old mother of two is referring to Successful Kids= […]

‘Together, people can make a difference?

Ortonville- Devin Kalisz was a single working mother and full-time student two years ago when the accident happened. The legal assistant was at a stop when she was rear-ended by a driver who was doing 50 mph. Kalisz hit her head on the steering wheel and dashboard, giving her an instant headache and neck pain. […]

Goodrich students go global with Tech Effects

Goodrich- Tech Effects is going global, but they could use a little help. Four fourth- and fifth-grade students will be representing the school’s team of ten May 23-27 at the global level of competition in Knoxville, Tenn. But it will cost them about $2,500 just to make the trip to compete. The program is still […]

Thank you moms everywhere, especially mine

Mother’s Day is here again, but this year it comes with special significance for me. My husband and I are expecting our first child ‘a girl if ultrasounds are to be trusted? at the end of August. And while I’ve always appreciated my mother in that obligatory ‘thanks for being my mom, and oh, what’s […]

Holly Civil War Days return

Groveland Twp.- It’s blue meets grey once again at the Holly Civil War Days on May 19 and 20 at the Holly Recreation Area, 8100 Grange Hall Road. Reenactors from the Fifth Texas Company E will participate in a variety of battles, military drills, and encampments during the two-day event, which starts 8 a.m. and […]

Jackie Billings

Jackie Billings, of Goodrich, died May 4 at her residence. She was 48. Jackie was born in Flint on April 11, 1959 and was a resident of the Flint area all of her life. She married Donald Billings on April 30, 1977. Jackie was employed by St. Joseph and Genesys Medical Center for 19 years. […]

Honoring veterans

Community efforts to build a local memorial to Michigan military men and women lost in Iraq is off to a good start. A bake sale organized in about two weeks by Clarkston area parents and students raised more than $4,000, half of the $8,000 needed. Clarkston Junior High School students Ali Olsen-Beever, Ashley Richardson, Brad […]