Yikes. Who woulda? thunk a simple little column about the changing times, riding bikes and wearing helmets, would have brought so much mail. I guess I am doing my part to educate the community on this very important issue. First, let me say to some: relax. My boys, were they ever allowed to ride on […]
NOTICE PUBLIC HEARING PLANNING COMMISsION VILLAGE OF ORTONVILLE Notice is hereby given that in accordance with PA 100 of 2006 a Public Hearing will be held by the Village of Ortonville Planning Commission regarding a Special Use permit and Site Plan review for Ortonville Trust, 449 Mill St., Ortonville, MI 48462. Public comment will be […]
NOTICE OF ELECTION ? MAY 8, 2007 GROVELAND TOWNSHIP FOR BRANDON SCHOOL DISTRICT, GOODRICH SCHOOL DISTRICT, MOTT COMMUNITY COLLEGE To the Qualified Electors: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an Election will be held in: GROVELAND TOWNSHIP County of Oakland, State of Michigan TUESDAY, MAY 8, 2007 THE POLLS will be open 7 o’clock until 8 […]
NOTICE OF ELECTION – MAY 8, 2007 IN CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF BRANDON FOR BRANDON SCHOOL DISTRICT, OXFORD SCHOOL DISTRICT To the Qualified Electors: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an Election will be held in: CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF BRANDON County of Oakland, State of Michigan TUESDAY, MAY 8, 2007 THE POLLS will be open 7 o’clock […]
NOTICE TO ALL ATLAS TOWNSHIP RESIDENTS At a regular meeting of the Township of Atlas Board on April 16, 2007 the Board did adopt amendments to the zoning ordinance resulting from Public Act 110 of 2006, as revised. The following is a summary of the ordinance. The entire ordinance is available for review at the […]
BRANDON TOWNSHIP NOTICE OF PUBLIC ACCURACY TEST A public accuracy test has been scheduled for the purpose of testing the accuracy of the tabulating equipment and programs which will be used to tabulate the voted ballots for the May 8, 2007 Election in Brandon Township, Oakland County, Ortonville, Mi. On May 1, 2007 at 11:00 […]
GROVELAND TOWNSHIP RESIDENTS PUBLIC ACCURACY TEST For May 08, 2007 Election NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Public Accuracy Test for the SPECIAL ELECTION (School Districts of Brandon and Goodrich) has been scheduled for Wednesday, May 02, 2007 at 10:00 a.m. to be conducted at the Groveland Township Office, 4695 Grange Hall Road. The public […]
Advertisement for Bids Brandon School District Brandon High School Bid Package No. 3 Building Additions and Renovations OWNER: The Brandon School District CONSTRUCTION MANAGER: Skanska USA Building Inc. 1025 South Ortonville Road Ortonville MI 48462 Telephone: 248-627-3019 Facsimile: 248-627-4931 The Brandon School District invites qualified contractors, including MBE/WBE/SBE firms, to submit proposals/bids for the above-referenced […]
CITY OF THE VILLAGE OF CLARKSTON 375 DEPOT ROAD CLARKSTON MI 48346 SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL MEETING of April 23, 2007 Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Catallo. Roll. Present: Catallo, Brueck, Colombo, Gawronski, Johnston, Ottman, Rausch. Absent: None. Minutes of April 9, 2007, approved as presented with two corrections. Agenda approved as […]
ELECTION NOTICE MAY 8, 2007 FOR CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF INDEPENDENCE LAKE ORION SCHOOL DISTRICT To the Qualified Electors: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an Election will be held in THE CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF INDEPENDENCE County of Oakland, State of Michigan TUESDAY, MAY 8, 2007 THE POLLS will be open 7 o’clock a.m. until 8 o’clock […]