‘It’s good to have first-hand experience?

Brandon Twp.- The babies don’t wake up and cry at 3 a.m., but students in Jennifer Williams? Intro to Parenting and Child Development class are still learning to some degree what it means to have an infant when they take a doll for 48 hours. Each of Williams? 33 Brandon High School students must carry […]

Polling locations

Goodrich School District Precinct 1- St. Mark’s Catholic Church, 7296 Gale Road. Precinct 2- Crossroads Church of the Nazarene, 5366 S. State Road. Precinct 3- Victory World Outreach Church, 10291 Green Road. Precinct 4 (village residents)- Goodrich United Methodist Church, 8071 S. State Road. Brandon School District (Brandon Township) Precinct 1 & 2? Brandon Fletcher […]

Mary June Duncan

Mary June Duncan of Goodrich, formerly of Lapeer and Hadley, died April 27. She was 62. Mary June was born June 1, 1944 in Lapeer. She was a 1962 graduate of Lapeer High School and married Roger Duncan on March 19,1966 at the Bethel Methodist Church in Columbiaville. She was employed at the Davison Country […]

‘Diamonds are Forever,? a hit at Goodrich Prom 2007

Goodrich- This year’s prom had a license to thrill as approximately 360 students danced the night away in a setting straight out of a James Bond movie. The theme was ?007 James Bond: Diamonds are Forever,? in honor of the class of 2007, said parent Tina McKechnie. McKechnie was one of a group of junior […]

Harry Mansfield

Harry Mansfield, formerly of Ortonville, died April 29 at his home in Chelsea. He was 88. Harry was born November 14, 1918 in Barking, Essex County, England, the son of William J. & Rosanna (Warrilow) Mansfield. He became an American citizen on Sept. 3, 1930 in Detroit. Harry graduated from Pontiac High School in January […]

Emmi Hope Seeley

Emmi Hope Seeley died April 12 in Ithaca, NY. She was born on the same date at 3 pounds, 9 ounces and 17 inches long. Emmi’s parents are Mark and Grace Seeley, currently of Spencer, New York. Grandparents are Charles and Elizabeth McGhee of Oxford, and Edward and Laretta Seeley of Centerville, Iowa. A private […]

Ray ‘Burt? Armstrong

Ray ‘Burt? Armstrong of Lakeland, Florida died May 2. He was 82. Burt served as a tank commander in WW II in Europe and retired after 30 years of service from Auto Transport. He is survived by loving wife Lottie; sons Dennis (Sue) of St. Louis, Mo. and David of Clarkston; brothers Donald of Waterford […]

School parking, utility upgrades set for summer

Expect lots of construction work at local schools this summer, as the district puts its remaining capital-improvement bond money to work. The Clarkston Board of Education voted Monday to authorize for bid $910,000 in high-priority projects districtwide. Clarkston High School and Junior High School projects include: ? Resurface auxiliary lot, CJH, $40,000; ? Air conditioning […]

Consolidation off table, city says

The Clarkston City Council sent a clear and united message to Independence Township representatives Monday: We’re not interested in consolidating. Township Trustee Dan Kelly, Clerk Shelagh Vanderveen, and Treasurer Jim Wenger attended the Clarkston City Council meeting for a face-to-face discussion on the issue of consolidating the two municipalities. Although the council made it clear […]

Hiking to a different beat

Fitting into a mold hasn’t been Chris Haag’s way of life. The 23-year-old Clarkston High School graduate (2001) and Oakland University student walks and now drives to a different beat. Haag, with the help of friend and co-worker Jake Horn, parts and supplies from www.greasecar.com and assistance from a diesel basics class at Oakland University, […]