Cheer Invasion

Brandon Twp.- GOB Gymnastics, Dance & Cheerleading, will have tryouts for the GOB Cheer Invasion All-Star team from 1-3 p.m., May 13, at their gym, 142 Harbor Pointe (off M-15). The GOB Cheer Invasion is the gym’s all-star and recreational/competitive cheerleading team. Details: (248) 627-6317.

ZBA appointment

Brandon Twp.- At a special meeting April 17, the township board appointed Bob Harrison to the Zoning Board of Appeals. Harrison replaces Dale Cunningham, who resigned due to other commitments. He will complete Cunningham’s term, which runs through Dec. 31, 2008. Harrison is a 30-year township resident and recent retired from General Motors.

C & J Oil Change damaged

Ortonville- Brandon deputies were dispatched to C& J Oil Change, 150 S. Ortonville Road, on April 15 after someone shot out the bay windows of the business with a BB gun between 2:35 and 2:42 a.m. Surveillance tapes have been reviewed and Manager Jerry Hight believes the responsible vehicle is a Chevy, possibly a pick-up […]

In for the long run

Brandon Twp.- It’s been more than 30 years since Bill Snyder, Brandon Middle School principal, first laced up his running shoes and joined legions of area athletes who hit the pavement each day. ‘I once weighed more than 200 pounds,? said Snyder, 63, who has since trimmed down considerably. ‘I didn’t want to die of […]

Beets, Beats and Eats at Crossman

Ortonville- Homemade is the theme of Beets, Beats and Eats and vendors are currently being sought for the 2007 12-week summer series in which artisans display their talents Friday nights at Crossman Park. ‘We’re trying to keep this handmade and support the people in our community,? says BB&E Market Manager Pam Belding. ‘It’s an opportunity […]

Meet the candidates

Goodrich- Residents will soon have the opportunity to come out and meet their school board candidates. From 7- 8:30 p.m. on April 30, at Goodrich High School, 8029 Gale Road, there will be a meet and greet for the four candidates running for the board. There are two seats available this term. Each candidate will […]

Scholarship opportunity

The Ortonville Chamber of Commerce is accepting scholarship applications until April 27. Four $500 scholarships will be awarded. Applicants must be 2007 graduates and residents of Brandon Township. Applications are available at Oxford Bank in Ortonville and in the Brandon High School counselors office.

Senior center garage sale

The Edna Burton Senior Center will host a garage sale 9 a.m.- 4 p.m., April 28, at the center, 345 Ball St. in Ortonville. Tables are available and donations for the center are accepted. Details and table reservation: (248) 627-6447.

Business Expo tables

Brandon Twp.-A limited number of vendor tables are still available for the April 26 Greater Ortonville Area Chamber of Commerce Sixth Annual Business Expo at the Brandon High School Cafeteria from 6 ?8 p.m. Details: (248) 627-8079.

Spring banquet

Ortonville Baptist Church will be hosting their annual Mother and Daughter Spring Banquet 6:30-8:30 p.m. on May 4 at the church, 173 Church St. in Ortonville. Tickets are $7 per person. Girls ages 3 years old and younger are free. Details: (248) 627-2513.