Letter to the Editor

I was amazed to see the article printed a couple of weeks ago written by Bill Kalmar. Not only did it attempt to insult the Senior Center Advisory Committee by name calling, but it offered nothing of substance as an alternative. Mr. Kalmar claims to be a former Director of the Michigan Quality Council. If […]

Letter to the Editor

This is an e-mail I just received: Louise, I believe my brother-in-law is either en route to the US from Iraq, or will be shortly. Thank God! A few months ago, he sent a letter to a relative thanking them for the boxes of food. If he had not received the boxes that day, the […]

Museum offers glimpse of past fashions

Remember rummaging through the attic in your grandparents or great grandparents? house? Remember playing dress up wearing all those neat old clothes that smelled of mothballs and memories? You can relive some of that black-and-white magic as the Northeast Oakland Historical Society museum presents a display of antique fashions now through May 19. Men’s and […]

Guest columnist: The recovery and coming home

In August of 1993 I donated 40% of my liver to a nine-year-old boy who had Cystic Fibrosis. This is part four of that story. They used staples to hold Ian’s incision together. They stitched mine on the inside and used butterfly strips to hold it on the outside. In addition, I was surprised to […]

Scouts gear up for annaul race

It was off to the races on March 24, as Good Shepherd Lutheran Church hosted Pack #512’s Pinewood Derby. Awards were given out for coolest looking car, most scoutlike and, of course, fastest car as 26 pack members participated in four divisions (Tigers, Wolves, Bears and Webelos). ‘We had a big day of racing,? said […]

Curves collects nearly 600 pounds of food for charity

The two Lake Orion Curves for women facilities collected food during the month of March in an effort to help those in need. Curves collected a combined total of 584 pounds of canned goods and non-perishable food items, all of which were donated to the Baldwin Center, located in Pontiac. The Baldwin Center will utilize […]

What’s happening ‘ON TV’

In honor of National Library Week, April 15-21, Orion Neighborhood Television has produced three new programs celebrating the Orion Township Library. Behind the Scenes at the Library is a 30-minute guided tour of the library. Visit each of the departments in the library and find out how a new book is processed. This program will […]

BAT forming to help business owners

When Gotham City needed help, it looked to its caped crusader, Batman. Downtown business owners in need of help will soon be able to turn to the OXBAT team. While not a collection of superheroes, OXBAT (short for Oxford Business Assistance Team) will be available to offer ideas and advice on topics ranging from financial […]

Essay contest will really put a smile on mom’s face

Dr. Scott A. Tyler, Dr. John J. Dumas and Dr. Brian C. Reyes, partners in the Rochester Hills and Birmingham-based orthodontic practice of Tyler, Dumas, Reyes, have announced they will sponsor a Mother’s Day essay contest that will provide a new smile to the mother of the student who pens the winning essay. The ‘Why […]

Girl Scout Troops collect cans for FISH

Lake Orion Girl Scout Troops 1989, 3164 and 3286 did a canned food drive on March 16 as one of their service projects for the year. The girls wanted to help the people in their community, so they went into neighborhoods around Carpenter Elementary School collecting cans. The troops thank everyone who left out canned […]