Check out Miley's selection on The Voice:
By David Fleet Editor Genavieve Linkowski has never had a voice lesson. But if all goes well on Sept. 19, the 17-year-old Atlas Township resident will receive musical instruction from a few of the best in the entertainment business. In August, NBC announced that fans of the reality competition “The Voice” series could audition for […]
For the 36th year, walkers in Ortonville will help fight hunger both abroad and at home. This year’s annual CROP Walk is set for 1:30 p.m., Sept. 25. CROP (Communities Responding to Overcome Poverty) Walk is a historic walk and one that is celebrated across the nation as communities band together to reduce world hunger. […]
At 7 p.m., Sept. 14, the Ortonville Community Historical Society will host a local US Army veteran, Ken Maxwell, 82, a Linden resident, served in the Army during the Korean War as a medic and was injured in the Battle of Pork Chop Hill—flecks of shrapnel are still in his left leg. That shrapnel still […]
By Susan Bromley Staff Writer Brandon Twp.-Stephen Lyon smoked for 30 years until the “great recession” hit him in the pocketbook in 2008. He had been quitting smoking for three decades, but after losing his job with a bank, he finally gave up his 10-pack of Marlboro Red cigarettes a week for good, and when […]
Community honors veterans; WWII P.O.W. recalls being shot down, captured in Austria
Front from left, James Cartwright, WWII; Don Kengerski, Korean War. Back row from left, Tyler Gucwa, Iraq War; Larry Perry, Vietnam War; Larry Carrithers, Vietnam War; Dane Guisbert, WWII; Ron Allen, Vietnam War; Robert Wilk, Vietnam War and Samuel Mackey WWII. On Aug. 6 Area Purple Heart recipients gathered at the Ortonville Cemetery. Now, Ortonville […]
By Susan Bromley Staff Writer Last year, Jan Pasteiner led youth on a mission trip more than 500 miles south of here in Tennessee. This year, they offered their help to those in need less than 20 miles to the north in Flint. “We have neighbors that are 10 miles from us that are homeless,” […]
By Susan Bromley Staff Writer Hair cuts and manicures aren’t typically thought of as mission work, but they were very appreciated by some Costa Ricans in need, as well as refugees. Kim Parsons, a hairdresser at Amedae Salon in Brandon Township, wasn’t able to take all the tools of her trade, but she made great […]
By David Fleet Editor St. Anne Catholic Church was full. Really full. “For two or three years during the summer months I said Mass outside under the pine trees,” said the Rev. John J. Sullivan. “There were so many summer visitors there was really no option but to build a new church—the need was there. […]
Supervisor (choose one) Name: Robert DePalma (I) (R) Age: 68 Years in township: 37 Education: 1.25 years of college. Occupation: Current Groveland Township supervisor. Government-related experience: Six years chairman of Groveland Township Board of Zoning Appeals;16 years chairman of the Groveland Planning Commission and 20-plus years as Groveland Township supervisor Why are you […]
Brandon Township supervisor (Choose one) Name: Jayson W. Rumball (R) Age: 37 Years in the township: 35 (in September) Education: Bachelor’s degree – business administration and concentration in insurance (Olivet College) Juris Doctor – business transactions (Western Michigan Thomas Cooley Law School). Occupation: Attorney and managing member at Rumball & Wojtkowicz, PLC. Trustee – Brandon […]