Dear Editor, Along with our Brandon tax assessments, Kathy Thurman sends the “Brandon Township News,” a note about happenings in the township. In the 2017 version she writes, “A segment of the Iron Belle Trail going through Brandon Township… was considered. Although 4 possible routes were suggested, there was not enough support to move forward […]
Septemberfest 2017 Dear Editor, Brandon Township Parks and Recreation has been honored to host our 28th annual Septemberfest. By our side were our many support groups and businesses with a majority of funding coming from Gold sponsors, Genysis Credit Union and Meijer of Oxford. Our Platinum sponsors were Randy Wise Ford, MSU Federal Credit Union, […]
(In response to, Why all the hate?, The Citizen, a letter by Vickie Lucus, Sept. 2, page 6) Unfit nincompoop Dear Editor, It is uncanny that Ms. Lucas cannot see Trump as the deplorable bigot he is. Instead she has dissidence with me. As a Korean War veteran, I have lived long enough to know […]
Country living Dear Editor, Although the ViewPoints offers a variety of free speech – when a post starts off asking readers to “grow up” since their viewpoint does not agree with his – it’s hard to take them seriously. I dislike everything about the Iron Bell Trail. As a woman of science I’d love to […]
PUBLIC NOTICE CONSUMERS ENERGY COMPANY GAS AND/OR ELECTRIC FRANCHISE ORDINANCE ORDINANCE NO. 213 GROVELAND TOWNSHIP, OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN AN ORDINANCE, granting to CONSUMERS ENERGY COMPANY, its successors and assigns, the right power and authority to lay, maintain and operate gas mains, pipes and services, and to construct, maintain and commercially se electric lines consisting of […]
Trash concern Dear Editor, Just wanted to report two huge garbage dumps on Granger Road in two different locations about 75 yards apart between Kent Road and Rattlesnake Lane. It’s obviously from the same person or persons. I came across this garbage Saturday morning, Sept. 2, on my way to the post office so I […]
Trash alert Dear Editor, The Citizen needs a trash alert on the front page. A big red check mark, warning of a Bonnie Beltramo letter, so it can hit the trash on the way from the mailbox. When will you realize that our hometown paper has become her platform for her obsessive thinking and shaming […]
Death to mosquitoes Dear Editor, The guys of the street department (can do anything it seems) recently spent several laborious hours cleaning overgrowth from the creek in our neighborhood, the creek had become stagnant and insects were thriving. The guys did a outstanding job of opening the creek back to a flowing stream and they […]
From the Moors Family Dear Editor, We would like to express our thanks and appreciation to everyone for all the love and support you have shown our family during this difficult time. We are grateful to have so many, many wonderful friends and your overwhelming kindness will never be forgotten. Douglas “Dozer” Moors will be […]
Thank you Brandon Rec Dear Editor, I wanted to write and thank the entire Brandon Parks and Rec Department for another great year of youth baseball. One exciting addition was the hiring of Glen Venner, who ran the baseball program. He is the perfect fit for good ol’ fashioned small-town ball. He did a great […]