‘Into No Man’s Land’

By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer Irene Miller was only 5 years old and living in Warsaw, Poland when World War II broke out. “My survival is very different from what people perceive as a holocaust experience,” she said. “I survived in many countries in the most extreme conditions.” At 6:30 p.m., March 12, the Brandon […]

Don’t let me down

Don’t let me down

Above, BHS Sophamore Alex Hernandez flys during BHS Snowcoming Feb. 22. Check out the King and Queen on page 11. Photo by Mo Voyer.

One killed, one injured in Grange Hall Road crash

By David Fleet Editor Groveland Twp.-At 8:25 p.m., Feb. 26, Michigan State Police responded to a crash on Grange Hall Road near Foxwood Trail. According to MSP reports the driver of a 2003 Chevrolet pickup truck was traveling at a high rate of speed on Grange Hall Road, lost control at the intersection near Foxwood […]

Brandon Township house fire

By David Fleet Editor At 1:24 p.m., Feb. 26, Brandon Fire Department responded to a fire on Ridge Court in the Walnut Hill Subdivison. Township Fire Chief David Kwapis reported the initial call was for a garage fire in a home, however, when firefighters arrived the home in a wooded area was completely engulfed. Three […]

Board OK’s school officer

By David Fleet Staff Writer Goodrich- On Monday night the school board of trustees voted 6-0 to partner with Atlas Township for a student resource officer. Trustee Chip Shultz was absent from the meeting with notice. At a cost of about $100,000 the SRO from the Genesee County Sheriff Office will be funded with 30 […]

Village employees receive one time payment

By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer Ortonville- At the Monday night meeting, the village council voted 4-3 to pay four employees $2,551 as a one time payment due to loss of the flex benefit stipend, which the personnel committee discontinued in favor of 3-5 percent raises for the four employees, as the flex benefit stipend was […]

Village council grapple with rules of procedure

By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer Ortonville-At the regular meeting of the village council on Monday night, the council voted to adopt rules of procedure 5-2. Council members Coleen Skornicka, Mark Robinson, Dan Eschmann, Pat George and Mark Butzu voted in favor of the rules of procedure while Larry Hayden and president Tonja Brice voted against […]

Pedestrian killed on M-15

By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer On Feb. 26, at approximately 7:05 p.m., Brandon deputies responded to a fatal pedestrian crash on Ortonville Road just north of Viola Drive. The Crash Reconstruction Unit shut down Ortonville Road for three hours for investigation. A 63-year-old Groveland Township resident was driving a Toyota Rav 4 northbound on Ortonville […]

The Citizen loses longtime leader

By C.J. Carnacchio Leader Editor Oxford resident James Allen Sherman Sr. wore many hats during the course of his lengthy career. He was a successful publisher for 38 years. He was a wordsmith. He was a shrewd businessman. He was a devoted community leader. He was an enthusiastic supporter of worthy causes. Sherman was all […]

Remembering Corinn

Remembering Corinn

By David Fleet Editor Atlas Twp.-On Wednesday morning a township family enduring an inconceivable loss joined friends and family for a celebration of their daughters life. Hundreds gathered at Bethany Baptist Church, 2353 E. Grand Blanc Road, Grand Blanc for Corinn Linkowski, 18, who lost control of her Saturn on snowy M-15 near Coolidge Road […]