Gov. Snyder visits local hops farm

By David Fleet Editor Atlas Twp .- Gov. Rick Snyder arrived in the township last Friday to visit a unique growing business. Mark Trowbridge, owner of Top Hops Farm, 9530 Ridge Road, said that Snyder visited his farm to learn about his hops enterprise and get some perspective for business growth. “The governor stayed about […]

Council OKs weed spraying in mill pond

By David Fleet Editor The Goodrich Village Council voted 4-1 in a special meeting on Monday night to spray the mill pond for weeds this summer—the first application since 2013. Councilman Jake Vick voted no. Aquatic Weed Control of Swartz Creek will make a single application at a cost of $3,975. The application is under […]

Skate Park closed for summer

By Susan Bromley Staff Writer Ortonville-No Skate Park this year. The village council unanimously voted at their June 27 meeting to keep the park closed for the rest of the season. “We only had 10 kids signed up and that was not enough,” said Village Manager Mike Lee. “To make it financially feasible for an […]

Goodrich school board, village council ballot deadline nears

By David Fleet Editor The filing deadline to be listed on the November ballot as a candidate for the Goodrich School Board or the Goodrich Village Council is 4 p.m., July 26. The Goodrich School Board has two seats up for election this year Tim Zirnhelt and Linda Jackson. Candidates can choose to file nominating […]

Police say IRS scams on rise again

By Susan Bromley Staff Writer Brandon Twp.– Police are warning residents to beware of scams again after a township woman was bilked out of $11,500 last week. “IRS scams are really heavy right now,” said Oakland County Sheriff’s Office Lt. Greg Glover, Brandon substation commander. “If you receive a phone call telling you that you […]

Sharing the road on two wheels

"I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been brushed by a mirror of a passing motorist,"

David Fleet Editor For almost a decade Bruce DeGrouchy has been an avid bicyclist. “I’m out riding just about every week I can,” said DeGrouchy, an Atlas Township resident since 1988. “I ride on the shoulder of the road, wear a helmet, have a flashing light on the back of my bike and use a […]

Brandon Township man threatens deputies

By Susan Bromley Staff Writer Police are awaiting blood test results from a 41-year-old Brandon Township man who threatened to kill deputies this week. According to an Oakland County Sheriff’s Office major incident report, corrections deputies were leaving the Oakland County Jail in Pontiac at the end of their shift shortly after 11 a.m., June […]

Community turns to ‘One Million Pages’

By Susan Bromley Staff Writer Brandon Twp.– Reading is a solitary activity, but this summer, it’s also a common goal. Residents of the community are invited to join a challenge with students, parents, friends, neighbors, and strangers this summer to read One Million Pages. The Brandon School District, in partnership with the Brandon Public Library, […]

New Ortonville Village clerk

By Susan Bromley Staff Writer The new Ortonville village clerk hails from north of the border. Jenna Lane, born and raised in Canada and now a permanent U.S. resident, is enjoying the clerk position she accepted at the end of May, working alongside the new village manager, Mike Lee. “We’re learning about municipal government together […]

Board OKs municipal civil infraction ordinance

By David Fleet Editor Atlas Twp.-On Monday night, the board of trustees OK’d the implementation of a municipal civil infraction ordinance. By a 4-1 vote, three ordinances were OK’d: providing for municipal civil infractions of certain township ordinances and penalties; amending certain township ordinances by designating violations as municipal infractions and providing penalties for the […]