By Susan Bromley Staff Writer Brandon Twp.-Paving of Oakhill Road between M-15 and Ellis Road may finally be in sight— in 2023. At their May 2 meeting, the township board unanimously approved submitting a letter of interest to the Road Commission for Oakland County to consider paving the 1.5 mile section of road using federal […]
By David Fleet Editor Atlas Twp.-The township board of trustees will consider implementation of a municipal civil infraction ordinance during the May 16 board meeting. If approved, changes to township infractions regarding nuisance, zoning, licenses, signs, lighting, animals and blight will result in a civil infraction rather than a criminal violation. David Lattie, township attorney, […]
From 9 a.m.-3 pm., May 21-22, the Grand Blanc Huntsman’s Club, 9046 South Irish Road, Grand Blanc, will host the Shane Holton Memorial Shoot. In 2013, while stationed at Fort Wainwright, Ala., Army Specialist Shane Holton of Goodrich died on base of an undetected heart problem. He was 21-years-old. In his memory, his family and […]
'The food goes away, but they can read the letter over and over again'
By Susan Bromley Staff Writer Ortonville– Haley Hicks is campaigning– not for political office, but for letters, and not to your politicians, but to those who serve in the military. Her cause was initially prompted by an Honors English assignment, but grew from a desire to express appreciation to troops deployed overseas. “I started the […]
It’s everyone’s responsibility to keep children safe
By Susan Bromley Staff Writer Brandon Twp.- The majority of child sexual abuse is not perpetrated by a stranger, but by someone the victim knows, and nearly half the time, by another child. “On a weekly basis, we take a sexual abuse case involving a child, and more often than not, it is child on […]
By Susan Bromley Staff Writer Brandon Twp.- One of the area’s largest annual yard sales won’t take place this year. The Ortonville Community Emergency Fund’s Rummage Sale has been cancelled for 2016. “Due to expansion, the sale has gotten so big and is so well-received, but we don’t have the volunteers needed to do this […]
By Susan Bromley Staff Writer Ortonville- Dennis Hoffman needs your help to honor our Purple Heart veterans. The commander of the VFW Post 582 received the blessing of the village council last month to have Aug. 1 designated Purple Heart Day. He now plans to have the nearly 50 Purple Heart recipients from this […]
By David Fleet Editor April 10, 1865—Chattanooga, Tenn., 20-year-old Union Pvt. Tom Tucker and Brandon Township resident soldier who joined the 22nd Michigan Infantry in August 1862, reflected his daily activity in his diary. “Rainy and cold weather. I am on guard duty at the jail post #2. We heard this morning that the reb […]
By David Fleet Editor Atlas Twp.- An additional cell tower may be heading to the township. Skyway Towers, LLC has proposed building a 165-foot Monopole Communications Tower in the 8000 block of East Baldwin Road. The company, which has more than 480 towers nationwide.The planning commission will take up the issue at 7 p.m., May […]
By Susan Bromley Staff Writer Ortonville- Legislators are considering changes to a 40-year-old law that could reduce funding designated for the village and eliminate the DDA and Main Street program in the village. House Bill 5856 would amend 1975 PA 197, which provides for the establishment of a downtown development authority, as well as encourages […]