Board OKs security camera upgrades, classroom locks

By David Fleet Editor Goodrich — On July 25, the school board of trustees voted 5-0 to replace about 120 security cameras in the district with newer technology. Board President Greg Main and Secretary Ashley Herriman were absent with notice. The upgraded cameras were supplied by Farmington Hills based Capricorn Diversified Systems. The upgrades are […]

Brandon Athletic Director steps down

By Shelby Stewart-Soldan Staff Writer Brandon Twp.—Brandon Schools will be looking for a new athletic director following the resignation of Chris Deines, who has taken a position as athletic director in Corunna to be closer to home. “Mr. Deines informed me that he had an opportunity as an Athletic Director in Corunna Schools that is […]

Time to grow: Greenhouse returns

By Shelby Stewart-Soldan Staff Writer Brandon Twp.— On June 20, the Brandon Board of Education approved renovations to the Brandon High School greenhouse. “We want to get that back in operation, there’s some things we investigated that we need to do,” said Brian Smilnak, the architect on the bond projects. “It’s been in a state […]

Gilbertson settles in as new Brandon Superintendent

By Shelby Stewart-Soldan Staff Writer Brandon Twp. — As of July 1, the Brandon School District has a new superintendent. Dr. Dan Gilbertson stepped in as superintendent from interim superintendent Dr. Gary Richards, whose last day was June 30. Gilbertson, who stopped by The Citizen newspaper on Wednesday, previously was superintendent of Crosswell-Lexington school district. […]

New Goodrich Middle School principal named

By David Fleet Editor Goodrich — On Monday night the school board of trustees voted 6-0 to hire Katrina Mitchell as the new Goodrich Middle School Principal. Trustee Ashley Herriman was absent with notice. “We posted the position and received 41 applications,” said Wayne Wright, district superintendent. “The candidate we chose pulled herself well ahead […]

Harvey-Swanson principal retires

By Shelby Stewart-Soldan Staff Writer Brandon Twp. — After 30 years at Brandon, Harvey-Swanson principal Debbie Brauher is retiring. “I started out as a middle school science teacher, then I taught sixth grade for a little while, then third and fourth, then I was a reading recovery literacy coach for several years, and then I […]

New Harvey Swanson Principal

By Shelby Stewart-Soldan Staff Writer Brandon Schools — Harvey Swanson has a new principal. Jessica Hevel, a 2004 Brandon graduate, will be a familiar face to many students and parents. “While in Brandon I taught mostly kindergarten, second grade for one year, and spent my last five years as a K-5 literacy coach,” said Hevel. […]

Martians season ends in state semi-finals

By David Fleet Editor Goodrich —On June 16, a stellar record setting season concluded for the Goodrich Martians at McLane Baseball Stadium at Kobs Field, on the campus of Michigan State University. The Martians lost in the state semifinals of the Michigan High School Athletic Association tournament 6-0 to Forest Hills Eastern en route to the Division 2 state baseball title. The […]

Noah Keller named to 2022 MHSBCA All-Star team

By David Fleet Editor Goodrich — The Michigan High School Baseball Coaches Association has named GHS Alumni Noah Keller to the 2022 West All-Star team. The 41st Annual East-West All-Star Baseball game is June 20 at Comerica Park. As of June 11 Keller pitched 69 innings, tallied 141 strikeouts, 14 walks, 28 hits, with an […]

New Brandon woodshop equipment Ok’d

By Shelby Stewart-Soldan Staff Writer On May 16, during the regular Monday meeting, the Brandon Board of Education unanimously approved some upgrades to both of the wood working shops at the middle and high schools. “All of the equipment was purchased 50 years ago, back in 1972,” said Nathan Gillett, the instructor for the woodshop […]

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