I’ve recently been obsessed with a free, online, daily game called Murdle. It’s a daily mystery puzzle, and anyone who knows me knows I love mystery. As a kid, my favorite cartoon was Scooby Doo. I’ve dressed up for Halloween as both Velma and Daphne multiple times. I saw both the live action movies in […]
With the cost of literally everything having gone up, I’ve been trying to make more things from scratch because it tends to be cheaper. This isn’t something new for my husband and I. Since we moved in together, we regularly make homemade pasta instead of buying boxes of it, we make jars of pickled jalapeños, […]
This weekend is Good Old Days. Where I grew up, Richmond, Michigan, the weekend after Labor Day is always Good Old Days weekend. It’s our small town fair, home to the outhouse races, various demolition derbies, carnival rides, and what was once the largest parade in Michigan. I always go back for Good Old Days. […]
My husband and I recently spent four days in New York City and I bought something I’ve wanted since I was a little girl. I got myself an American Girl doll. For anyone who doesn’t know, American Girl is a line of dolls and print media, such as magazines and books. They have a line […]
Soon my husband and I are embarking on a long weekend in New York City. We try to take a small trip every summer, and every time I’m reminded of the fact that I don’t travel well. I do like seeing new things, don’t get me wrong. I can spend a whole afternoon in a […]
I do things on repeat a lot. I’ve been told it could be a symptom of my ADHD, but I like to think I’m just a creature of habit. I watch the same television shows and movies over and over, I read books more than once, and I listen to music on repeat. During a […]
I locked my keys in my car this week. Because of course I did. I was on the phone with my best friend, as I am every Tuesday morning on my way to work, and was not paying attention as I gathered everything (I thought) out of my car to take inside. By the time […]
When I sat down to write this column, I tried to think of something patriotic. But I couldn’t think of anything. I don’t have a lot of veterans in my family, and my memories of the holiday consisted of the small business my dad and I had selling glow-sticks at firework events. He would walk […]
I think most of my friends would describe me as the “mom friend”. For those that don’t know, Urban Dictionary defines the mom friend as “That one friend in your squad that’s super responsible and almost over-protective of them” and “That one friend that’s pretty much just a small version of a mom, you know, […]
This past week, I was trying to fill out empty picture frames, and I said to my husband that we don’t take enough pictures with our friends. The last time we got a group photo that wasn’t a wedding picture was five years ago at my husband’s college graduation. We don’t really have a good […]