Chamber series focuses on women

Clarkston News Intern Writer
Everyone is invited to Clarkston Area Chamber of Commerce’s Women in Business 2009 series, though it’s structured for women.
‘We like a little more time to talk,” said Penny Shanks, executive director of the chamber. “We’re a little more into understanding relationships and where people are coming from, not just at work, but what did you do before you got to this event, what happened afterwards.”
This year’s series, sponsored by The Clarkston News and Clarkston Brandon Community Credit Union, includes four featured speakers, discussion, activities and luncheons.
‘Women in Business events are designed so there is some social networking time,” Shanks said. “We’re trying to pick topics that are motivational, energizing but also give you some real life information that you can use that day.?
Each networking segment will be different, including a talk-show format where someone has a microphone and switching tables.
After last year’s series, the chamber used surveys and a focus group to prioritize topics and select speakers.
‘At the January event, one of the first things they’re going to get is a feeling of hope, motivation, that you can do it, as well as I think they’re going to laugh and have fun. They’re definitely going to meet some new people,? Shanks said.
This is the series’ third year. About 50-60 people are expected to attend.
This month’s event, Best of the Best, Speaking of Success, is Jan. 27, and features Marty Zimmerman, author and speaker.
Zimmerman served as a leadership performance advisor for more than 1,600 executives and leaders of major industries, and is a U.S. Naval Academy graduate, Marine Corps veteran, and experienced business executive and leadership development coach.
Zimmerman is author of ‘In Their Presence: Best Practices and Stories of Role Models? and is featured in ‘Speaking of Success.?
The Feb. 24 event, Calling all Amazing Women, features Michael Jeffries of The Yes Network.
The March 24 event, Designing Women: Effective Visual Advertising made easy, will feature speaker Teresa Goodrich.
The April 28 event, Best Practices: Resource Roundtables, features Maureen LaFontaine as the luncheon speaker.
All events are from 10:45 a.m. to 1 p.m.
‘I’m excited about this series. This is a dynamite lineup,? Shanks said.
Tickets for the event are $40 at the door or $30 with prepaid reservation. Multiple Registration Rate, when you sign up with a friend or co-worker for the same event, is $25 per person. Call 248-625-8055 or check for more information.