The Orion Chargers Baseball Club will hold their annual tryouts on Sunday, Aug. 12 for 12-and-under players and Sunday, Aug. 19 for players 13-and-over. The tryout fee is $10 per player.
The schedule is as follows…
Aug. 12 at the LOHS Softball Fields: 10-year-olds at 10 a.m., 11-year-olds at noon and 12-year-olds at 2 p.m.
Aug. 19 at the LOHS Baseball Fields: 13-year-olds at 10 a.m., 14-year-olds at noon and 16-year-olds at 2 p.m.
In 2008, each of these select teams will compete in high-level league play in addition to State and National Tournaments. Players can be involved in off-season training, camps and instructional opportunities throughout the winter months. The cost to each player is approximately $600 for the season.
Players may be asked to return for additional sessions at no charge.
Come prepared to play with a copy of your birth certificate, equipment and great attitude.
For more information, see the OCBC web site at or contact Club President Mike Musary at