Oxford High School’s Class of 2009 really outdid themselves in terms of honors, both national and local, and by earning a very impressive $2,214,572 in scholarships.
Those who distinguished themselves were recognized at the annual ‘Senior Honors and Awards Program? held June 4 at the OHS Performing Arts Center.
Awards of Distinction
2009 National Merit Finalist
& Commended Students Finalist ? Elizabeth Ligon
Commended Students ? Katelyn McQuater, Brandon Parker, Anthony Sottile
Club and Organization Awards Environmental Award ? Jesse Hayes
Yearbook Award (Lynda Munro Scholarship) ? Lindsey McIntosh
Department Awards
Mathematics ? Anthony Sottile
FML Math/Science ? Benjamin Chizmadia & Anthony Sottile Science ? Anthony Sottile
Business and Technology ? Brendan Morris
Automotive Technology ? John Taylor & Scott Van Wagner
Band ? Matthew Rogers & William Scypinski
Choir ? Amanda Hauxwell & Kathleen Cardinell
Spanish ? Haylie Lane & Ana Franco & Dayna Rein
Mandarin Chinese ? Elizabeth Ligon
Military Awards
ARMY Reserve National Scholar/Athlete ? Geoffrey Charles & Taylor Dewey
U.S. Marine Corps Semper Fidelis Award for Musical Excellence ? Jenifer Bizzotto
United States Marine Corps Distinguished Athlete Award ? Spencer Britt and Brittany Moncrieff
United States Marine Corps Scholastic Excellence Award ? Lindsay Comerford
2009 Scholarship Recipients
Michael Magdaleno Memorial Scholarship ? Kimberly Rizzo
James R. ‘Jamie? Charles Memorial Scholarship ? Ben McLoskey & Haylie Lane
The Pioneer State Mutual Insurance Company Community Insurance Merit Scholarship ? Kimberly Rizzo
Oxford Lions Club ? Kimberly Rizzo & Benjamin Chizmadia
Lakes Community Credit Union ? Matt Zaun
Dave Fulton Memorial Scholarship ? Olivia Stevens
Oxford Women’s Club ? Jamie Armstrong, Brooke Bocquet, Haylie Lane, Katelyn McQuater, Elizabeth Moore, Brianna Pastewski, Kimberly Rizzo, Andrea Woody, Heather Workman
Tommi Fillion/Kiwanis Club Scholarship ? Jenifer Bizzotto & Haylie Lane
American Legion Walter Fraser Post 108 ? Kimberly Rizzo & Chase Tucker
Oxford Rotary Scholarship? Kimberly Rizzo, Mitchell Seeling and Andrea Woody
North Oakland Chapter of Michigan Association of Retired School Personnel Scholarship ? Kayla Mccafferty
Class of 2008 Project Graduation Scholarship ? Benjamin Chizmadia & Elizabeth Moore
Four County Community Foundation Ligon Scholarship ? Jennifer Taraski
Four County Community Foundation Kellogg Grant ? Cidney Fritche, Brianna Pastewski, Anthony Sottile, Andrea Woody
2009 Oakland County Credit Union Scholarship ? Andrea Woody
Oxford Education Association ? Haylie Lane
Bill Butler Award ? Benjamin McLoskey
Jeff Chapman Memorial Scholarship ? Dayna Rein
Gordon Schils Memorial Scholarship ? Andrea Woody