Coach Ford wins Coach of the Year

Runners across Orion know how committed high school track coach Stan Ford is to his team, his position and his activity.
Now, the Michigan High School Athletic Association (MHSAA) can be grouped with his supporters.
Ford, who is in his 31st year of coaching at Lake Orion High School, is 2012’s Coach of the Year for his team’s victory at the track state finals last June. Every year the MHSAA determines who will get the award by the achievements of their teams and their ability to coach those teams.
‘It’s a great honor, but a lot of credit goes to the whole program,? said Ford. ‘From the athletic director to the assistant coaches – everyone has done a great job. This would not have happened if we didn’t have the whole program in place. Even if you work hard and have a very successful coach you may never win a state championship.
‘To win this we needed everything to fall into place so it’s a great honor.?
Recent Lake Orion High School recipients of the coach of the year have been Football Coach Chris Bell and Cheerleading Instructor Nancy DeAvila. Athletic Director William Reiss added to Ford’s praise and said the designations put Lake Orion back on the map in terms of their athletic program.
‘For them, it’s a tribute – I cannot think of better representatives for Orion,? said Reiss. ‘Ford is a tremendous head coach and a tremendous individual – he comes across as very genuine and sincere. In these times, you have 100 kids being supervised by one individual and to have all those kids get individual attention is great.?
Reiss went on to talk about Ford’s background, which includes being a distance runner at Eastern Michigan University.
EMU’s Coach Parks is a legend according to Reiss, who said that some of that influence rubbed off on Ford.
Speaking more on Ford, Reiss said he was a knowledgeable runner who attends clinics and is a ‘student of the game.?
‘He has our kids believing in themselves and sometimes that’s all that’s necessary. That is a combination for success,? said Reiss. ‘They all know he has their interest at heart and he’s is totally self sacrificing. He will always go to bat for his kids.