Comedy and tragedy in 43 scenes

‘It’s an unconventional comedy,? said Director Dale Dobson of The Clarkston Village Players? latest production Not Waving. With witty and often hilarious lines, the cast of Not Waving delivers a comedic look at the struggle of unconventional individuals to understand their place and purpose.
The play offers a peek into the lives of Gabby (performed by Linda Mischler) and Nicole (Karen McClellan), a mother and daughter who become roommates after Nicole attempts suicide. As Gabby struggles to reign in her creative and seemingly fearless daughter, Nicole insists retrieving her cat from her ex-husband, Mark (Sean Harbert) will set everything right.
At first, it is all Gabby can do to keep up with her daughter’s manic behavior, but as time passes, Gabby’s perspective changes. From balancing on window ledges to finding herself locked in an embrace with her Karate instructor, Gabby finds her life enriched and turned upside down by Nicole’s antics.
Actors Sean Harbert and Debra Bourdeau switch characters and costumes throughout the play while set pieces are relocated between scenes to signal new locations. Adding a symbolic dimension to the play, the numerous set changes and actors? ever-evolving roles reflect Nicole’s scattered psyche.
The poignant scenes of Not Waving are balanced with lightness making the play a true-to-life rollercoaster of a tale that shouldn’t be missed. See the Clarkston Village Players perform this tragic comedy November 9, 10, 11, 15, 16, or 17 and purchase tickets to Not Waving on