Council didn’t answer questions about Moe’s layoff

On August 26, the Oxford Village Council meeting was attended by several people who voiced their support and concern over the recent elimination of the Village Treasurer position. Their obvious disinterest on the subject of Maureen (Moe) Helmuth’s firing was disturbing. The reason for her job cut was given by Chris Bishop as ‘monetary? only, I and everyone else who was at that meeting find this hard to believe.
Last night the council voted on a 5% increase in water rates and they are likely to go up to a 21percent increase. Where is all that money going? Part of Moe’s job is being outsourced to a taxing agency to handle, how much did that cost? The clerk is getting a raise to do a portion of Moe’s job, how much is that costing? What about all the sidewalk funding that the Village already has and are now forcing residents to get on their property?
NONE of these questions were answered in last night’s meeting, but these are valid questions and the council knows the answers. They just weren’t responding to the residents concerns or questions. Why?
After over 20 years Moe knows everyone in town is an asset to our community and knows how to get things done. Now we have a new clerk who is going to try and fill her shoes? Why? Didn’t we just vote all the corrupt council members out of office? It looks like what we have now is even more corrupt than before. This is not a ‘monetary? issue, this is a personal one. Unfortunately, the Village residents will end up paying the price for the Council’s actions. Sounds like it’s time for a recall. Next they’ll be getting rid of our Oxford Police Department for ‘monetary? reasons.

Gwenn Stevenson
Oxford Village