Council inks budget, grapples with dam issue

By Rebecca Kelley
Staff Writer
Goodrich -By a vote of 4 to 1, the village council OK’d the 2008-09 budget during the regular meeting on Monday.
Village Administrator Jakki Sidge said the budget promises to provide all services to the village, as in years past.
‘When this council was elected, they pledged the same 30 percent decrease in the tax rate that was already in place when they took office. This is the fourth year we have maintained that decrease and the council has no intention of increasing taxes, and will maintain the 5.3251 level throughout the new budget.?
Councilmember Patricia Wartella voted no, suggesting village DPW workers be reduced to part-time status, along with one administrative assistant. In addition, Wartella wants DPW workers to pay a portion of their healthcare to save money.
The budget reflects declines in both revenues and appropriations, said Sidge. While no new projects are in the new budget, several residents at Monday’s meeting were concerned about anticipated dam repair costs.
The council expects a report in about five weeks from Paul Wessel, engineer for the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality, concerning the safety of the dam and possible repairs.
Council President Ed York said if the costs to repair the dam are high, it could require an assessment.
‘A special assessment would only be for those living around the pond. It would not include the village residents,? said York.
However, if the repairs needed are on the lower side, Sidge said there is a way for the village budget to absorb the costs.
‘If there is a problem with the dam and we have to repair it, the property maintenance and repairs fund has a budget of $22,000. There is also a $27,478 fund balance in the general fund that has not been allocated to any specific item. This money could be utilized for repairing the dam also.?