Council wants to see reduced tax next year

For the third consecutive year, the Village of Oxford will be levying an 11.12-mill property tax to support its budget, but council hopes to lower that rate next year.
That’s why when council last week approved a $6,845,984 budget for the 2008-09 fiscal year , officials, at the suggestion of Councilman Tony Albensi, directed Manager Joe Young to ‘actively pursue? ways to reduce the millage next year.
‘I think it’s going to be very important in the next year or two ? with the way the economy is ? for our manager to be very responsible in how he spends the revenue,? said Councilman Tom Benner.
The 2008-09 village budget, which takes effect July 1, includes a $2.6 million general fund consisting of line items such as $107,019 for the manager, $157,704 for the DPW, $100,000 for legal fees, $78,708 for downtown maintenance, and $162, 010 for the clerk’s office.
Other village funds include a combined police/dispatch budget of nearly $1.06 million, water and sewer funds totalling $1.45 million and a Downtown Development Authority budget of $553,495.