Crime statistics from townships may be inaccurate

Crime looks like it’s down in both Springfield and Independence townships, but there’s a question if the reported numbers are accurate or not.
Released with the Oakland County Sheriff’s Department’s 2002 Crime Statistics is a statement which reads, “Statistics for 2002 are in question due to CAD/Clemis issues. We are currently working to resolve the problem.” CAD, computer aided dispatch, and CLEMIS, court law enforcement management information system, are the systems which allows for communication between police departments in Oakland County and other law enforcement agencies.
Kay Williams, record supervisor for the OCSD, said the numbers aren’t jiving. “I believe the numbers are lower than they should be.”
But, there is no way to fix the old numbers, she said, and no one knows why something went wrong this year, though there is an investigation underway. “We’re working on making sure this doesn’t happen again this year.”
However, Capt. Michael McCabe said if there is a problem, it is a minor problem. Infotechnologies, the company who processes the numbers, believes the numbers are accurate as reported.
The statistics have already been sent to MICR, Michigan Incident Crime Reporting, and to UCR, the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s numbering system.
Whether the numbers are correct or not, Lt Dale LaBair of the Independence Township substation said he is pleased with the results.
“Part I crimes are up, but not drastically.” LaBair said, who blames population growth for the rise in this area which includes criminal sexual conduct, assault offenses, burglary and home invasions, larceny violations, forgery/counterfeit, fraudulent activities, motor vehicle theft, and more.
LaBair said he isn’t concerned if the numbers are up a bit, he cares if the problems are being addressed. “We’re holding our own.”
In Springfield Township, Sgt. Frank Schipani said he was pleased the numbers were down in his jurisdiction, but admitted it doesn’t feel that way as the department has been very busy.