Crossroads recognizes honor roll students

February 6 was a day of love and honor at Crossroads for Youth in Oxford as they held a Valentine-themed luncheon and recognized 34 students who’ve made the honor roll.
To make the honor roll, students at Crossroads must maintain a grade point average of 3.0 or higher.
Each month a luncheon is held at a different center at the facilities, and this month, the Girls Center chose a Valentine’s Day theme.
Honor roll recognition is done four times per year, twice a semester and after each card marking period.
‘I think it means opportunity for them,? said Crossroads Principal Marty Johnson, explaining what making the honor roll means to the students. ‘I think they’re absolutely happy to be part of the honor roll society and it’s a great opportunity for them to move forward with their lives.?
Most of Crossroads students are from Oakland, Wayne and Macomb Counties.
Crossroads for Youth has been operating for more than 50 years and believes ‘every child deserves a chance.?
The nonprofit organization provides troubled children a supportive, positive environment in which they learn how to succeed in life.
Programs incorporate academics, vocational training, individual and family counseling, community service and adventure therapy.