Dear Trish: Intern offers new advice column

Here’s something that might interest you. An advice column by an 18-year-old high school graduate.
I’m offering free advice to anyone that needs it. Please feel free to ask anything. Treat it like a ‘Dear Abby? column.
This column will run all-summer-long. I am mainly encouraging teens to ask questions.
When submitting a question please provide your age and the town you live in. Every question will be anonymous and answered with as much depth as possible.
Here’s an example:
Dear Trish:
My roommate is annoying me and she keeps stealing all my food. I’m not a very argumentative person. What should I do?
-Anti-confrontation in Oxford-19
Dear Anti-confrontational:
You need to sit down and talk to your roommate about what she is doing. She could possibly be in denial about her acts, but if you rationalize with her she might see where you are coming from and try to change. Remember that communication is key in a sticky situation like yours.
Submit your questions by e-mail to: