Dear Editor,
(In response to, ‘Village of Goodrich deserves the best,? The Citizen, Nov. 20, page 6):
I have been in and around this area some 56 years now. I have lived in the Village of Goodrich and in Atlas Township, where I reside now. It was not my intent to become involved, but my brother Doug involved me in his letter to The Citizen last week. If he can put my name in the paper, so can I. I was at the last council meeting and was baffled that anyone would hire a village attorney on pure hearsay. No resume, no paperwork on what he has done or what he is doing, only what a councilmember is saying. Now think about it, would you hire a babysitter that you did not know without references? Probably not. Pete Morey and the DPW has done a great job with the roads and the park, things we use and see everyday all year long. Everyone knows the main roads get plowed first by the county road commission. How long will it take to get to yours? A lot of us grew up here, raised our kids here, and hopefully many more will have that oppotunity. I happen to like our small community, always have, always will. It would be a shame to see it dismantled piece by piece, that just doesn’t sound like the best for Goodrich.
Reid McAbee