Despite health challenges, Joey lived life to the fullest

By David Fleet
Goodrich — Joey Prain recently experienced the healthiest and best six months of his life. While his short time here was marred with significant health challenges, he endured to experience many adventures, make people laugh and just be a kid.
Joey Prain of Goodrich died Tuesday, Aug. 20, 2024 following a tragic accident.
He was 5.
April Cliber, the grandmother of Joey, shared the thoughts of his family.
Joey was born with a genetic condition, Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency, that caused liver failure and led to needing a liver transplant, which he received early this year thanks to his Aunt Sarah (Stanfill, formerly of Goodrich) who underwent extensive testing and became his live donor. Unfortunately, Joey’s first transplant had unexpected complications which led to him needing a second transplant, this time from a family who gave Joey the Gift of Life through organ donation when their loved one passed away. Joey spent over a month in the hospital recovering and needing several additional surgeries. During this time Joey’s mom, Alyssa, went into preterm labor and gave birth to twins, Owen and Jackson. Two weeks later Joey and his new baby brothers were released from C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital all on the same day. It was a wonderful day of celebration when Joey, and younger brother Eli were reunited once again, but now with two more brothers to adore, recalled Cliber.
“Words cannot truly express our gratitude to the surgeons, doctors and other medical staff at C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital, University of Michigan for the tremendous care Joey received,” said Cliber. “Their skill and dedication gave Joey the healthiest and best six months of his life which provided precious time and many memories. Joey’s team at Mott Children’s became part of our family. It meant the world to us that they showed up at Joey’s funeral to mourn alongside us.”
Once home, Joey gained strength quickly and began to thrive. Joey’s mother Alyssa shared.
“We had the joy of watching Joey experience the happiest and healthiest six months of his life,” she said. “He was able to spend his fifth birthday on a camping trip that included Mackinac Island, which was his favorite place in the world. Joey was living life to the fullest, including wrestling with his cousins, fishing, many adventures with both sets of adoring grandparents and playing T-ball early this summer. There were still health challenges and frequent visits back to the clinic at the hospital, but Joey’s new liver gave him the best health he had ever known.”
In August, Joey was cleared to attend school for the first time and was enrolled at Montessori Academy in Davison. His first day of school was celebrated as a huge milestone complete with a sign reading, “When he grows up he wants to be Spider-Man.”
Joey’s dad, Zachary will cherish the memories of Joey being silly and his witty comments which were many including flashing a peace sign and exclaiming, ‘Peace, love and rock and roll baby.’
Joey attended New Life Christian Fellowship in Grand Blanc with his family where he loved learning about Jesus in Miss Barb and Miss Sue’s class. He also enjoyed occasionally attending children’s Sunday school at Bridgewood Church with his cousins.
“Only our faith and the knowledge that Joey is safe in the arms of Jesus will get us through this tragedy,” said Alyssa. “Our grief is overwhelming right now, but we grieve with hope and assurance that we will see Joey again.”
Funeral services were Aug. 24, 2024 at New Life Christian Fellowship. The family is headed to Mackinac Island to mourn together and spread some of Joey’s ashes in the place he loved most.
Donations to help Joey’s family are being collected at Palace Jewelers in Davison and Lippy’s Ice Cream in Goodrich. Donations can also be made in person or online through New Life Christian Fellowships Pushpay app. Simply designate “Joey.”
“After everything Joey went through, we are devastated that an accident took our Joey from us,” said Cliber. “However, we choose to focus on the immense  joy Joey brought everyone who was fortunate enough to know and love him.”

2 Responses to "Despite health challenges, Joey lived life to the fullest"

  1. Sue McCarthy   September 3, 2024 at 10:15 am

    Joey was the sweetest little boy and we enjoyed having him in our Sunday school class. He listened to the lesson and answered questions we asked. He in his short life has blessed so many. Be watching for us Joey one day we will join you.

  2. Barb Cody   September 3, 2024 at 11:05 am

    I’m still devastated about losing this precious little boy. Joey truly was pure joy in our classroom. He was first to jump up to hug Whiskers our puppet. He was so careful when choosing his snacks. He listened intently to every song as he played his little guitar. He loved when we’d sign our Bible verse together. I will miss him with all of my heart. I’m grateful to have known this dear little man.


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