Destination Imagination teams going to finals

Four Clarkston Creativity Crew Destination ImagiNation teams qualified for Affiliate Finals competition in Mount Pleasant, April 20.
The Regional Destination ImagiNation tournament was at Waterford Mott High School, March 2. More than 100 teams competed in six challenges. Clarkston was represented by eight teams in grades K-12. Four are advancing to the Affiliate Finals.
Clarkston High School Team members Matt Dargay, Hannah Glise, John McLennan and Bonnie Petkus and Clarkston Junior High School team members Anne-Marie Dargay, Caroline Dargay, Kalei McLennan, Mitchell Page, Alex Pouttu, Grace Pouttu and Andrew Ross competed in the ‘Change in Realitee? Central Challenge.
Pine Knob Elementary School team members Brady Bergman, Maya Bergman, Sydnee McLennan, Kevin Petkus, Grace Schroeder and Josh Stone competed in the fine arts challenge ‘In Disguise.?
North Sashabaw Elementary School team members Ella Chick, Carson Funck, Jordyn Haden, Morgan Hunter, Owen Meyer, Mason Randolph, and Grace Spencer competed in the ‘Real to Reel? central challenge.
North Sashabaw Elementary and Pine Knob Elementary Rising Stars team members Violet Bergman, Sam Chick, Dillon Hunter, Ben Isgrigg, Andrew Kurzman and Aaron West competed in ‘Roy G Biv.?
Teams finishing in the top two in their division at Affiliate Finals go on to the Global Finals competition in May in Knoxville, Tenn.
Destination ImagiNation is a worldwide creative problem-solving organization, which builds creativity, problem solving, and teamwork skills.