Digging into the past: Artifacts provide history of area

By David Fleet
Ortonville — If a century-old outhouse could speak there would certainly be a few stories to tell.
“Every farm had one and every family member used one,” said Carol Bacak-Egbo, Oakland County historian, educator and archaeologist. “The outhouses lasted for years.”
It’s been about 10 years ago that Bacak-Egbo along with other archaeologists dug deep in the area under the old privy on the Ellis Farm once located on Dixie Highway in Springfield Township.
The findings of the local excavation is just one of several that will be discussed from 6-7 p.m., Aug. 6 when the Brandon Township Public Library, 304 South St., will host “Digging Up History: Taking a Journey into the Past Through Archaeology.” Registration required.
Under the outhouse tells a story, said Bacak-Egbo.
“Consider they would go to the outhouse where buttons would pop off pants, bottles of swill would often stashed be in there, pocket change would fall out when you lower your trousers,” she said. “Kids would drop toys down there. Over the years it builds up and now it’s just like a time capsule.”
The 5-by-5-foot work area was surrounded by an 18-inch-thick stone wall, according to reports. The dig took place in three different levels.
The project was a collaborative effort between SCAMP, Oakland County Parks and Recreation, Waterford Schools and the Oakland County Historical Society.
Constructed around 1884, the Ellis Barn was moved to the Oakland County 4-H Grounds, and the Ellis House was preserved and moved to a subdivision behind its original location.
Bacak-Egbo will not only discuss some of the findings of the old privies, but also provide some information on other digs including the Oliver Williams log trading post and the ongoing excavation of the Bailey Homestead trash dump with local historians.
For additional information and to register, visit brandonlibrary.org or call 248-627-1460.

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