Donation helps OES learn financial lessons

If there’s one valuable lesson to be learned from this troubled economy, it’s you’re never too young to start learning about how to manage your money.
To that end, the Michigan Association of Collection Agencies in partnership with the Michigan Jump$tart Coalition recently donated $500 worth of books designed to increase students? financial literacy to Oxford Elementary’s media center
Based in Plymouth, the Michigan Jump$tart Coalition envisions a time when all Michigan young people have access to personal finance education in order to develop the necessary skills to be financially competent upon graduation from high school.
Jump$tart Coalition members James Angelo and Frank Zaski presented the books to the school.
Angelo, who’s president of the Michigan Association of Collection Agencies, selected OES for this donation because his daughter, Anna Marie, is a fourth-grader in teacher Krista Rushlow’s class.
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? Editor C.J. Carnacchio