Easter can be your new beginning

One thing Christians can count on is God’s willingness to give each of us another chance.
Easter is proof of that. Jesus gave himself for us so that we can make our second chances count. Try these ideas for living the lessons of Easter:
Start a new day.
What habits can you create, or perhaps suppress, that will help you grow closer to God?
Some would say that you can tell a lot about a person simply by observing their habits. What do your habits say about you?
If we can all agree with the popular saying, ‘God doesn’t make junk?, then perhaps we ought to examine our habits.
I encourage you to take a moment to think about what you do, by force of habit, on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. Then write these things down. Are your habits helping you to become the good creation God intended?
Do you take care of yourself physically, intellectually, emotionally and spiritually? God’s intention is for us to live in Easter joy.
This Easter season, start fresh by losing a bad habit or finding a good one!
Roll away the stone.
Sometimes we feel stuck between a rock and a hard place when it comes to our spiritual life. Sure, we’re doing everything right, but somehow it seems so routine and without energy.
We have most likely forgotten that our faith is a relationship with God that requires some extra attention once in awhile. So, why not open up the windows of your heart and let the spirit in!
Change it up! If you’ve never joined a Bible study, maybe now is the time.
How about that service project your Church is promoting? Join the fun!
Maybe you could lend some talent to the business committee. How about singing in the choir or providing musical accompaniment?
It seems there are endless possibilities to roll away that stone and freshen up your faith!
Look for the Lord. Jesus said, ‘I tell you’there will be more joy in Heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous people who have no need of repentance. (Luke 15:7)
No matter what you have done, God is ready to forgive you if you give him the chance! Sadly, there have been times in our tradition when Christians have been accused of being overly judgmental.
Yet, true Christian faith holds as deep truth the knowledge that Christ did not come for the perfect, but rather for those who need him most, those of us who sin.
Look up! New life is just waiting to burst forth!
Celebrate this Easter season as the fresh start that it’s intended to be. By examining your habits, being attentive to your spiritual practices, and returning to the Lord with your whole heart, spring will take on greater meaning than perhaps it has ever had.
Cheryl Smith is director of Adult Faith Formation at St. Daniel Catholic Church.