Election letters

Kittle’s leadership needed

Dear Editor,
I have been a resident and business owner in Clarkston for the last 30 years; and I am endorsing Pat Kittle for our next supervisor of Independence Township.
Pat will be an excellent leader. As an Oakhurst homeowner, I have personally experienced his leadership, determination, drive, and attention to detail.
We have had the good fortune of having Pat Kittle as the president of our home owners association.
Under the leadership of Pat Kittle our association budget has gone from a deficit to a surplus, our properties our well maintained, and our neighborhood is growing and thriving with new homes and new members. His management style is open door, approachable and transparent. Pat hits the issues head on; he is not afraid to confront difficult situations. He is a man of honesty and integrity. Pat Kittle is not a politician, he is a leader.
Pat’s background as an innovator in the automotive industry has given him the skills to be a leader and a problem solver. Pat Kittle is a retired Chrysler executive. He has the experience to navigate through difficult situations and budgets successfully.
Pat will be a full time supervisor. As citizens, and tax payers; we deserve a full time skilled and trusted leader who is fiscally responsible, who will maintain the beauty and character of our township, and who will manage our growth.
We are fortunate to live in the most beautiful areas in Oakland County. Under Pat’s leadership, I believe both residents and business owners will prosper from improved property values and a more business friendly environment.
Please consider Pat Kittle on Aug. 7. Pat has the skills and dedication to serve our citizens.
Brenda M. Orlando, CPA
Independence Township

Support for Wallace

Dear Editor,
I have known Neil Wallace personally and professionally for over 35 years. As a resident of Independence Township, I know Neil has always been active in community affairs and a tireless worker for the betterment of our community.
Independence Township needs a leader with Neil’s background, experience, and knowledge as a supervisor who will work hard for the people he serves in a professional and competent manner.
Tim Patterson
Independence Township