Farewell Lake Orion

By the time you read this I will already be gone. I know it seems like yesterday that I arrived here at Orion, but as quickly as I arrived, I am saying goodbye.
Upper management i.e. the bosses that be at Sherman Publications felt it was a good idea to ‘shake things up? again and maneuver people around.
I will now be stationed as a reporter at our headquarters at the Oxford Leader.? Meanwhile Lance Farrell who formerly worked at the Leader will be taking my spot at the Review. I hope that you will welcome Lance like you welcomed me. He will be covering both Orion Township Board and school board.
While I was only in Orion for about six months, I felt welcomed into the community rather quickly. I was able to establish relationships with both Orion Township and Lake Orion Community School officials rather quickly and had an open door to interview and get information.
Thank you Orion for letting me into your hearts, your homes, and your schools. I appreciate the faithful readers who read my columns and my stories and commented on them.
I would like to also give a shout out to Dr. Joe Mastromatteo and all the veterans and volunteers that help with the Orion Veterans Memorial. That is a special group of men and women over there and the memorial is something to cherish. I thoroughly enjoyed covering all the events there, as well as talking with the vets about days gone by.
Though I will miss Orion, I look forward to yet another opportunity to meet new people, establish more relationships and grow my skills as a journalist. So, with that said, I thank you again for the support and I bid thee Lake Orion a farewell and God bless.