Fireworks OKed for splashpad opening

When the new KLR Splashpad opens Saturday, July 18 at Seymour Lake Township Park, it’s going to do so with a bang ? more than 731 of them to be exact.
Township officials last week gave the parks and recreation department permission to have a fireworks display to be launched from the park’s southernmost soccer field.
The Toledo, Ohio-based Colonial Fireworks will be handling the $10,000 display designed to be the culmination of an entire day’s worth of fun celebrating the 6,200-square-foot splashpad’s opening and dedication.
‘We’re going to make it an all-day festival,? said Parks Director Ron Davis, noting the event will also feature the annual Rough Tough Trucks display, a possible soccer tournament and whatever else people would like to see.
‘We’re open to any ideas,? he said.
Parks and rec. is considering charging $10 per vehicle-load for the all-day event to help offset the cost of the fireworks. The Oxford Area Chamber of Commerce has already donated about $1,000 from a Texas Hold’em tournament it held and there’s talk of placing fund-raising jugs or cannisters around town.
But Davis doesn’t wish to give people the impression the fireworks display hinges on the fund-raising efforts.
‘It’s gonna go whether we have the funds or not,? he said.
Davis would like to get as much community involvement as possible for the splashpad grand opening, which means including everyone from the Downtown Development Authority to local churches to food vendors.
‘I would encourage any groups or companies looking to do fund-raisers, if they want to get on board, we’d love to welcome everybody,? he said.
The $157,500 worth of equipment for the KLR Splashpad was delivered last week.
When all’s said and done, Davis estimated the entire project will cost between $450,000 and $500,000.
Last year, the parks and rec. department secured a $240,000 Access to Recreation grant financed by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation. To that, the department added $100,000 from its funds plus $20,000 in private donations.
Davis plans to pursue more grant money and private donations to get the rest of the necessary funding.
Right now, the plan is to continue working on the new parking lot and sidewalk for the project as soon as possible, then begin work on the concrete splashpad sometime in May.