Goodrich a great place to live

Dear Editor,
It has been my distinct pleasure to
have been a resident of the Goodrich
area for the past
78 years. I have
seen the village go
through many
changes, trials, and
tribulations over
my lifetime. It
pleases me to write this letter in praise
of how far the village has come, and
what a great job the current council
members are doing to make our village
such an outstanding area to live.
In my opinion, the level of maintenance
provided by the village to care for
our streets this past winter has been first
rate. In their pursuit of excellence, snow
maintenance services have been on time
and thorough, as is the case in year-round
maintenance. I could not be more proud
of Pete Morey and his (DPW) crew for
making our community such an outstanding
place to live. I am proud to say to
everyone listening that I am from
I Must not close this letter without recognizing
the great job also being done by
Atlas Township Supervisor Shirley
Kautman-Jones and her staff at the township.
I will leave with one piece of advice
from a longtime observer, do not ever let
a loose cannon talk consolidation (of village
and township). Consolidation is a
nutty thought and a bad idea.
Jim Cummings