A check for $1,000 was recently presented to the Great Oaks Civitan Club as a reward for the size of its charter membership.
“We’ll put the money to good use in the community,” said Club President Tracy Miller.
When the Great Oaks Civitan Club was chartered in November 2003, it did so with at least 30 members, making it a “Golden Circle Club” qualified for $1,000 in “seed money” from Civitan International.
The club feels “absolutely honored” to receive these funds, Miller said.
Civitan clubs serve their respective communities by helping people with developmental disabilities, cultivating youth leadership and promoting good citizenship.
Miller said he got involved in Civitan “to help folks who are less fortunate have a better way of life” and “make their day a little more pleasant.”
“My time is the least I can give,” he said.
The Great Oaks Civitan Club meets Thursdays at Kalloway’s Restaurant and Pub from 6:30 to 8 p.m.