Groveland Twp. opts for recreation user fee

Groveland Twp.-By a 4-0 vote Monday night, the township board of trustees agreed to dump an annual $15,000 fee paid to Brandon Recreation for township participants. Trustee David Ax was absent from the meeting.
Instead, residents who want to participate will pay a $60 fee for an individual for a single program or an annual $125 fee to cover their family.
The decision comes after officials from Brandon and Groveland discussed the recreation funding issue last December. Brandon officials said a total of 1,980 individuals participated in the recreation department activities last year, of which 388 individuals were from Groveland Township. Groveland has paid $15,000 per year to Brandon Recreation to cover those participants.
Brandon Township officials indicated that an additional $27,000 was required to equal the $42,144 needed to sufficiently fund the recreation program.
‘I’m disappointed with the board’s decision,? said Ron Lapp, Brandon Township supervisor.
‘The only ones that will suffer are the ones that utilize the recreation department. I’m here to represent the people of Brandon Township and will not support Groveland Township with our tax dollars.
‘We’re not going to subsidize Groveland Township. I was surprised with the decision’we have an excellent, well run recreation program and will continue to serve the public.?
Groveland Township Supervisor Bob DePalma said about 1,800 surveys were mailed to residents in December asking whether they supported a recreation millage or a user fee for the residents who use Brandon Recreation services. Of about 400 surveys returned, 77 respondents indicated they would support a recreation millage of approximately .2 mills or $27 per year for an average home of $270,000 market value to cover current costs. In comparison, 323 residents specified a user fee should be implemented.
Township officials indicated in a letter to Brandon Township that the current economic situation may present a difficulty for some youth to participate. To rectify those needs, the township will provide a need-based grant program. With the same guidelines used for hardship property tax abatement, the township will pay up to 100 percent of the non-resident fee charge for anyone who qualifies for hardship.
Several township residents attended the meeting on Monday night, including Brandon Bandits Wrestling Coach Scott Douglas.
‘Many of us will not be participating in the wrestling program next year, including myself,? said Douglas, who coaches the 5- through 14-year-old wrestlers.
‘I think they are upset with the way things were handled. From a coaching standpoint, we’re committed to building a team. But as a taxpayer, the way Brandon Township handled this situation is less than acceptable. In light of what’s available, you can go a lot of places for less money. And in many places you’re welcomed with open arms, and that’s not the case in Brandon Township. I understand it takes fees to run a program, I think someone should have looked into this before Brandon built that new park. They should have found these short falls before the project started.?