‘Happily ever after? possible for local store owners

Tired of the normal hustle and bustle, the technology and the stress of 21st century shopping?
Nancy Smith, Amy Carrier and Linda Sexton have created a portal back in time right here in downtown Lake Orion.
This little shop, located at 20 N. Broadway, is called The Angel, the Witch and the Old Crow.
The store is owned by mother, Sexton (also known as ‘the old crow?), and her two daughters (‘the angel? and ‘the witch?).
Smith, the angel, said the three of them came up with the name during an argument.
Smith called her sister a witch. Her mother sarcastically rebutted, ‘And you’re always such an angel,? to which Smith responded, ‘You’re just squawking.?
An idea was born.
The store opened its doors in Lake Orion on May 15, the week of the Flower Festival.
Smith described the store as a primitive, rustic cottage with a whimsical down-home feeling.
The idea for the store began as a past-time, selling their items at art shows. At the Romeo Peach Fesitval, their works of art won three blue ribbons for most original.
Carrier recently moved to Lake Orion with her family.
The three of them immediately noticed the nice downtown feel of the community with friendly faces filling the streets. They knew it was the perfect place to open up their boutique.
The store carries mostly USA-made items. In these poor economic times, the women put great emphasis on banding together and supporting each other as a nation.
They sell feel-good items: objects the three of them have made, local artists? pieces, and trash-to-treasure items found in garage sales.
Smith said the three of them hold a fondness for historical pieces and ‘stuff people have given up on that we give new life to.?
There is something for everyone in this shop, the women said.
Smith added that customers feel happy when they walk out of the store without putting a big dent in their bank accounts.
The Angel, the Witch and the Old Crow sells items like rag dolls, pillows and teddy bears made out of old quilts and wooden signs with sayings on them, which are a favorite among younger shoppers. Smith said the items make perfect gifts.
Each piece tells a story.
One rag doll in particular was made Depression-style, literally stuffed with old rags. Mothers wished to give their daughters dolls to play with, even in the direst of times. So they would make these dolls out of any materials they had lying around the house.
Smith’s favorite place is the ‘secret garden.? The garden was planted in the nook between the boutique and its neighboring store.
Beautiful flowers in all colors of the rainbow grow in this once-ugly alley, and different garden items in this niche are available for sale.
The three of these women live up to the reputation of possessing the ability to find the beauty in anything.
The Angel, the Witch and the Old Crow is open Wednesdays through Saturdays 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and on Sundays noon to 4 p.m.