Residents will get a chance to speak out on suggested allocations for Lake Orion’s Community Development Block Grant monies at a hearing on Nov. 10. The hearing is scheduled during the regular village council meeting.
During October, council members provided LO Village Manager JoAnn Van Tassel with ideas on how to spend the over $26,000 (minus $2,200 already allocated to HAVEN) in federal funding. CDBG monies can only be used in low to moderate income areas.
Council members suggested the funds be used for sidewalks, Union Church restoration, street lights, energy efficient improvements, emergency rehab, village hall elevator, street improvements, trees, donating to the Orion Township Senior Center, storm drainage, Meals on Wheels and Home Chore.
Based on those suggestions, Van Tassel has recommended 2002-2003 CDBG reprogrammed funds be spent on: street trees, repairing essential home systems for income eligible people, installing/repairing sidewalks.
Projects for 2004 funding include planting street trees, repairing essential home systems for income eligible people, HAVEN, Home Chore, installing/repairing sidewalks.