To send money directly to Karin Rivest, make your check or money order payable to “Karin Rivest” and mail it to either:
Karin Rivest
C/O Michelle Hillman
615 Vista Del Sol Drive
Lapeer, MI 48446
Living Word Lutheran Church
3838 N. Rochester Road
Rochester, MI 48306
Those wishing to make a donation that will receive matching funds from Thrivent Financial for Lutherans should make their check payable to Living Word Lutheran Church and in the memo portion write “care of Karin Rivest.” Mail the check to the church at the above address.
Gift cards or certificates can be mailed to either address.
For more information about donating call Living Word Lutheran Church at (248) 651-9474.
Those wishing to make cash donations can do so at one of the following locations:
n Addison Foods
31 E. Elmwood St., Leonard
n Suzy’s Sweets
1636 Rochester Rd., Lakeville
n White Horse Inn
(also accepts gift cards)
1 E. High, Metamora