Hunter’s House unveiling next week, items still needed

It’s been over a month since two ladies walked into 12-year-old Hunter Strunk’s Addison home with the intention of enhancing his living environment in ways that would benefit him both physically and emotionally.
There’s still work to be done and donations to be sought, but Leslie Ann Pilling and Anita Ruiz are ready to unveil what’s been accomplished at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 18.
Friends, family, donors and all those who have worked on the Suite Dreams? project known simply as ‘Hunter’s House? are invited to come and see what Hunter’s newly-renovated bedroom and bathroom, now enlarged and handicap-accessible, look like. Guests are asked to please start arriving at 6:30 p.m.
Pilling, an interior designer from Bloomfield Hills, and Ruiz, managing director for Pure Marketing, first visited Hunter’s home in early October to assess what both he and his mother, Pam, needed and wanted.
The pair were introduced to the Strunks through the Rochester-based Suite Dreams Project, which brings comfort and joy to children affected by serious medical conditions by creating healing environments in their homes, usually in their bedrooms.
Hunter suffers from lissencephaly, a rare brain formation disorder that’s left him totally dependent on Pam, a single mom working as a part-time parapro at Daniel Axford Elementary, for his most basic personal needs.
Using their talents and skills, along with many generous donations of money, materials and labor, Pilling and Ruiz have been able to transform and upgrade not only Hunter’s bedroom and bathroom, but other areas of the house as well. An estimated $10,000 to $12,000 has been invested in the house thus far, not to mention countless man-hours.
Before they can call the project finished, they still need window treatments, a new washing machine and dryer, high-quality bedding for both Pam and Hunter’s rooms (cash donations for this would be appreciated) and brand new kitchen cabinets and countertops.
Volunteers are needed to clean the Strunks? house prior to Tuesday’s unveiling.
To make a donation to help finish Hunter’s House, please contact Ruiz at (248) 421-7517 or via e-mail at
Look for a full story, complete with photos, about the unveiling of Hunter’s House in the Nov. 26 Leader.