If I had $100…

Toni Schlaire’s Oaktree Elementary Kindergarten class recently marked the 100th day of school by answering the question: ‘What would you buy with $100??
‘I would buy 100 match box cars.?- Hunter; ‘I would buy a toy from Toys R Us.? -Daniel; ‘I would buy a million pieces of candy.?-Reese; ‘I would buy a bunny.?-Sydney; ‘I would buy 100 headbands and 100 Chapsticks.?- Hailey; ‘I would buy 100 wrestlers.? -Michael; ‘I would buy a pig.?- Brant; ‘I would buy a hair salon.? -Haley; ‘I would go to the restaurant, McDonald’s, and get chicken.? -Sienna; ‘I would take it to Disney.?-Haven. ‘I would buy a bottle from Meijer’s.? -Brogan; ‘I would buy a horse.? -Bella; ‘I would put it in my piggy bank.? -Kayla; ‘I would buy a real helicopter.? -Wyatt; ‘I would buy 100 toys.? -Jack; ‘I would buy a piano.? -Kylie; ‘I would buy a horse. -Kayliegh; ‘I would take it to the zoo.? -Madalyn; ‘I would buy 100 toys, a Teddy bear and a bunny.? -Tommie; ‘I would buy a horse.? -Keegan; ‘I would buy a cat and name it Razzi.? -Brady.