Kittle opting out of benefits

Presumptive Independence Township Supervisor Pat Kittle doesn’t want healthcare, a pension, or retirement benefits.
‘I don’t need the money,? he said. ‘I’m already on a pension.?
Rather than receiving the usual benefits for a full-time township employee, Kittle hopes to redistribute those funds elsewhere.
‘Instead of spending the money on me, from a benefit perspective, we could use those dollars and hire an administrative assistant,? Kittle said.
Kittle imagines his administrative assistant would operate phones, help with scheduling, filing, and be ‘a real, live person to answer questions from township residents when they call with questions.?
According to Budget Analyst Rick Yeager, Kittle is giving up about $25,000, but Yeager isn’t certain if that will be enough to pay a full-time administrative assistant yet.
Kittle said the reallocation would result in, ‘a net-zero effect to the township. I just think it’s the right thing to do.?