Kudos to Carnacchio for keeping Oxford talking

It is the duty of the press to report to the masses what elected officials are doing with the money we grant them and the power we bestow to them when they are elected.
If it were not for the Oxford Leader and C.J. Carnacchio, would anyone really know what was happening at the village council or township board meeting? I am not related to C.J. and haven’t always agreed with him.
C.J. lives in the community, his wife and daughter are also active in the community and he has the courage to write what isn’t always popular.
He could just spew trite dribble that portrays Oxford as Nirvana but who is served with that?
If the leaders of our community cannot withstand the scrutiny of a man with a pen and resort to banning him from their community or canceling their subscription perhaps they are not the people who should be leading us. So I say kudos to you C.J. because you have Oxford talking.

Gretchen Gabler