Lake Orion High School’s Student of the Week

Parents: Larry and Barb
Grade: senior
GPA: 3.1
Favorite subject: music classes and symphonic band
Extracurricular activities: marching band, pit orchestra, Oakland Youth Orchestra, Metropolitan Youth Symphony, band, LOHS Chorale and Interlochen
Hobbies and interests: music, computer games, bass guitar, hanging out and living a fulfilling life
Plans after graduation: attend Oakland University to pursue a degree in music education or trombone performance
Steven’s proudest of: being on state during The Sound of Music production, looking at his Austrian family and friends and thinking that he made some right decisions in high school and has no regrets
He tries to make a contribution by: giving a smile, a hug or some words of wisdom; if he can show someone that at least one person cares, then he’s happy
When Steven thinks of the future: he’s a well-respected bass trombonist who performs with a major symphany orchestra, does broadway, plays for an opera house and gives lessons to teach as many youth musicians as possible
What concerns him in the world: people don’t know how to care about the world

Parents: Gene and Christine
Grade: senior
GPA: 3.89
Favorite subject: band and choir
Extracurricular activities: marching band, Thespian Society, Oakland Youth Orchestra, Metropolitan Youth Symphony, spring musical
Plans after graduation: joining the Young Americans and traveling around the world with them for three years, then attending college for music or art
Hobbies and interests: flute, piano, voice, saxophone, tuba, art, writing, composing music and friends
She’s proudest of: her best friends and family
How Caitlin makes a contribution: by promoting music and art
Best friends are people who: understand you when you don’t even understand yourself
When Caitlin thinks of the future: she’s apprehensive, yet excited

Parents: Charles and Alicia Thompson
Grade: junior
Favorite subject: history
Extracurricular activities: boxing workouts, mixed martial arts workouts, running and any other type of exercise
Plans after graduation: attend college and major in international business management, then start businesses and nonprofit foundations to help the homeless
Hobbies and interests: hanging out, going to the movies, working out and staying fit
He’s proudest of: having a father and mother who care about who he is and who he’s destined to become
How Carlton makes a contribution: helping the homeless from all around the world
Best friends are people who: treat you equal and turn you away from trouble
Carlton is concerned with: growing greed and the many lives lost to poor decisions
When Carlton thinks of the future: he’s thinking of doing better than his past – start every day as if it were your last

Parents: Jack and Mary
Grade: senior
GPA: 3.735
Favorite subject: television production
Extracurricular activities: president of Thespian Society Troupe #2898, head stage technician in the Lake Orion Performing Arts Center, student director of The Sound of Music and drum major in Lake Orion High School Marching Band
Plans after graduation: attending Lawrence Technological University to study Media Communications
Hobbies and interests: playing the piano, making home movies and editing videos
He’s proudest of: the quality of work he produces in and out of school
How Scott makes a contribution: going through life with a light-hearted attitude, hoping it will rub off on the people he encounters day to day
Best friends are people who: are with you through everything and will support you in everything you do
Scott is concerned with: the amount of unrest in the world and the direction the economy is headed
When Scott thinks of the future: he sees himself getting a job at a television studio

Parents: Alana and William Neal
Grade: junior
GPA: 3.6
Favorite subject: math
Extracurricular activities: Suzanne plays the violin and viola in LOHS’s orchestra.
Plans after graduation: Attending Oakland University to become an engineer.
Hobbies and interests: Suzanne loves to mountain bike. During the summer, she helps with the Blue Bird program at Oakland parks. She’s also involved in the 123 Club at Stadium Drive Elementary.
She’s proudest of: her brother Scott and how far he has come in life. He inspires her to be a good person and do well in school.
How Suzanne makes a contribution: By helping others everyday, whether in class helping fellow students or helping a friend with a problem.
Best friends are people who: Treat you with respect and are always there for you.
Suzanne is concerned with: How people treat others. If our world would learn how to be peaceful and caring, there would be a major decrease in violence and hatred.
When Suzanne thinks of the future: she’s married, has a successful career in engineering and, overall, trying to make the world a better place.