Last ride for the season

The Clarkston High School Equestrian Team was edged out at their regional meet.
During the two day battle, the riders were defeated by two points, 265 to 263.
Sand Creek High School edged out the Wolves in the final event, the two man relay, despite two personal best times by the team of Vika McCallum and Sarah Pobuda.
Coach Tim Pobuda noted the riders had a number of fine performances as the team led most of the weekend. Junior Emma Johnson finished with five first places. Junior Vika McCallum was a double winner in Western Reining and Becka Leek won the Flags race and Western Showmanship.
The team ended their season with the first district championship in a number of years.
Pobuda added the team of two juniors and three sophomores worked extremely hard throughout the summer and showed extremely well at regionals.