Leonard writer publishes first book

By Casey Curtis
Leader Staff Writer
When Catherine Brakefield’s grandmother came to live with her and her husband, she had no idea what she was getting herself into.
‘But, it turned out to be the best experience of my life,? she said.
Brakefield, a resident of Leonard, was already an established freelance writer for Michigan Travel magazine and a Lapeer County newspaper. Writing a book seemed to be the next step.
While watching religious icon Billy Graham on television one day, Brakefield had a religious awakening and she knew at that moment what God wanted her to do.
Remembering her grandmother’s stories, reading history book after history book, she began to write at night while everyone was sleeping.
‘I call myself a closet writer, and now I’m coming out of the closet finally!? she exclaimed.
And her timing has been perfect.
Just recently, Brakefield’s inspirational romance novel, ‘Wind of Destiny?, was accepted to be published by PublishAmerica.
Most of PublishAmerica’s books are written by new and previously undiscovered talent like Brakefield. They pay advances and royalties while offering an alternative to authors who might be overlooked for their lack of experience in the literary world.
Brakefield’s ‘Wind of Destiny? is a fictional work, but she drew on some of her grandmother’s wonderful stories to capture the essence of the times.
‘She had a down-home style of talking,? she said. ‘It was like you were there with her.?
Set during the Civil War, ‘Wind of Destiny? follows the lives of the McFarland family and their many trials and tribulations through love, death, deception, greed, and faith in a war-torn country.
Although Brakefield loves the book as a whole, its characters are her favorite part. She said the characters begin to come alive and have a mind of their own.
‘First, they’ll be like stick people, and then they’ll begin to become flesh and blood,? she said.
The novel took Brakefield a couple of years to write, and after about six months, PublishAmerica acquired the rights to it.
But it wasn’t as easy is it sounds.
Brakefield was turned down by many publishers, but her undying faith wouldn’t let her stop. She knew she had to keep sending her manuscript out.
‘If you believe that it’s something that you really want, never, ever give up,? she said. ‘The only way to be a success is to try.?
‘Wind of Destiny? is set to be released in bookstores sometime this year, but Brakefield isn’t done yet. She has already started writing a young adult mystery to add to her collection.
Brakefield said she hopes ‘Wind of Destiny? will help people remember where they came from and what they’re about.
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