Let’s do more paving

Flint Street is going to be repaved in spring 2006. Lake Orion Village officials would like to see paving Cass Street and the DPW area/driveway included in that project.
The village’s Downtown Development Authority is paying for the Flint Street repaving. Village officials will ask the DDA board to also pay for or share the costs for the paving work at the DPW yard and Cass Street. Both are in the DDA district.
Village engineers estimate it will cost $60,000 to pave Cass Street; $58,000 to pave the DPW driveway and close to $227,000 to construct a concrete pad for maintenance vehicles at the DPW building.
LO Village Manager JoAnn Van Tassel told council members on Oct. 24, some of those costs could be refined.