Letter to Editor: Resident looks to new leadership

Dear Editor,
It is election time for Orion Twp. It is time to elect a NEW Supervisor on August 7, 2012 wahich is right around the corner!
I was a strong supporter of our current Supervisor until she refused to enforce our ordinances for the betterment or our community. Since last June, 2011, I have submitted many, many reports about a commercial landscape business that has been allowed to operate as home-base business. JoAnn Van Tassell says she has no knowledge of what the ordinance even covers, allows or limits even though she and her board members have seen hundreds of pictures of the violations that I have given them.
She has made many excuses on why this continues. This has continued for the past 13 months; leading to the belief by my self and many others of a coverup. Otherwise why would our Supervisor never once admit any violations? She has been waging the Dog too much.
For these reasons I say, ‘Please elect our new Supervisor; Chris Barnett.?
-John W. Hart