Dear editor,
In a continuing effort to bring truth to the all the people, dispel untruth, misinterpretations etc. I am encouraging everyone to research Michigan law concerning the possession, growing, dispensing and selling of marijuana, as well as the possession, manufacture, sale, delivery, and advertisement of drug paraphernalia.
It is a federal offense to grow, sell or use marijuana. Now, many of us know that people grow it, use it and sell it, but it is still illegal by the federal government and most local cities, townships and villages.
The State of Michigan says anyone using marijuana for medical purposes must be registered by the state and or have written opinion from a doctor.
The state also says severely ill people, plus those with a debilitating illness are not subject penalty while waiting for a card.
The state of Michigan states all people using marijuana for medical reasons “must comply with all Federal, State and Local ordinances.”
Our local municipalities are not required by the State of Michigan to change any ordinance to allow for the growth or sale of marijuana thru dispensaries in our townships, villages or cities.
The State of Michigan also states that medical marijuana users can only have 2.5 ounces of ‘pot’ on their person at any given time, but can keep going back to buy more pot from different so-called caregivers and dispensaries. This can lead to stockpiling and illegal selling – and tax-free money for sellers.
Medical marijuana already exists. It’s called Marinol. A pharmaceutical product, Marinol is widely available through prescription.”
Doctors cannot prescribe marijuana, only suggest (guess) that it may or may not help (for a $200 fee). The patient is supposed to have already been in treatment for severe illness six months prior. Doctors have no platform of experience in this area.
It is a mind-altering drug that can be changed into “hash” or “hash oil,” which makes it more potent.
Recently, 26 people were killed in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico in another attempt to get illegal marijuana across U.S. borders.
What a wild, wild west this could be if Pandora’s box is opened.
People said I could get on the drug; I’m in a wheel chair – not severely ill.
Just say “no” to illegal marijuana growth labs and dispensaries in our back yard.
-John W. Hart