Letter to the Editor – Not impressed

Dear Editor,
Representative Jacobsen’s guest column last week was less of an update of the goings on in Lansing as it was a self-congratulatory piece of campaign literature in advance of the November elections.? Mr. Jacobsen spent the better part of seven paragraphs explaining how much less cumbersome (less taxes, less worker’s compensation) it will be for him to do business in 2012.
He neglected to mention the financial freedom to do these things was created by $800 million being pulled from the School Aid Fund in an unprecedented use of funds that betrayed what Michigan voters were promised with Proposal A in 1994.? Mr. Jacobsen wrote, ‘The bold leadership that has gotten us thus far will continue in 2012.?? This from someone who voted against the majority of his party exactly once in 613 votes, in other words, Rep. Jacobsen was so bold as to vote the party line 99.8% of the time.?
It begs the question, is Jacobsen truly doing what is best for Lake Orion and Oxford, or is he using his office to do what is best for himself, his and his campaign contributors?
Jeff Aisthorpe