(In response to, “Township grapples with law enforcement cost hikes from county,” The Citizen, Jan. 11, page 1. )
The job of an SRO
It’s concerning to me that Trustee Unruh believes it is a good idea to use part time police officers to replace our full time school resource officer.
First and foremost, it’s imperative residents understand the job of a full-time, sworn-in school resource officer, what they do on a daily basis for our students, staff and the relationships that are built with our students.
The school resource officers deserve more respect than a comment made of that magnitude.
They have one of the more challenging jobs in today’s law enforcement of keeping the kids and staff safe in the world we live in today of school shootings.
Anyone that has been in this profession of law enforcement should know that departments that have part-time police officers working have a revolving door of staff of those part time officers leaving for other agencies. Most have no loyalty to the department they’re working for and are always looking for steady departments with full time work.
For trustee Unruh to suggest this for our kids in this school district is really disappointing. Brandon schools have done an outstanding job of adding security and going to the measures of keeping our kids and staff safe in this school district.
To suggest part-time policemen to fill that roll would do nothing but defeat everything that has been put in place to create a safe and secure environment for our kids.
Lt. Greg Glover